
Inclusion Day


For many years our school determines International Day for inclusion.

School to ATO soldiers


Pupils handed the collected plastic covers to public organization “Psychology and Sports”. The funds obtained are used for the treatment and prosthetics for soldier of 14 SMSP Battalion 72 Brigade Bodriienko Dmitrii Olexandrovych, who was injured while on duty in the ATO area.

On the first of September this year, the school implemented a volunteer project “Assemble the cover on the prostheses for ATO soldiers.” Each class set plastic containers for the collection of covers. Students, teachers and parents’ community actively participated in this important action for our country. To support the fighters who defend the borders of Ukraine, risking their health and lives, is a matter of honor.

We encourage the whole community to join the city’s volunteer project to save the life and health of the defenders of the motherland.

European Day of Languages

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Traditionally, the school celebrated the European Day of Languages

Cossack entertainment

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The “Jubilee” park held urban sports and patriotic event among schoolchildren “Cossack entertainments”.

Seminar on Civil Protection

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On the basis of the school was held a seminar for municipal deputy directors on educational work.

International Day of Peace


The school celebrated the International Day of Peace.

The meeting in the city council


A meeting of representatives of school Interparliamentary Assembly of the City Council Secretary Oleksandr Radutskyi was held.

Meeting with the traffic police inspector


The representative of SAI visited the 5th grades of our school.

Clubs’ fair


In our school groups visiting heads of city agencies, creating a real “fair circles.

“Olympic Week”

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The school held events dedicated to “Olympic week.”