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2016-2017 academic year

Pedagogical Council


There was a meeting of the pedagogical council.

Summer School of Responsible Teaching


In June, the first summer school of responsible teaching “Overcoming the digital divide” was working on the initiative of the Cherkasy city methodical cabinet of educational institutions in Cherkasy city.

Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!


On the occasion of the great national holiday of our statehood – the 26th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine, receive the most serious greetings and wishes!

Day of the State Flag


Dear students, teachers, parents, school friends and community of the city!

Countering Discrimination


In modern conditions, every teacher should be able to protect the child from discrimination.

Energy camp in Slavsk


Cozy and comfortable boarding house “Slavskii”, pleased to meet the young energy managers of the project “School of Energy 2.0″.

Class teachers are learning


The meeting of class teachers began August methodical session of teachers of the school.

The school is ready for a new school year


On the eve of the 2017-2018 school year, the city commission surveyed the school premises as to readiness to start classes.

And again about the gym


The repair work of the school gym goes to the completion. In May, funds were allocated from the local budget and repair works started.