
Trench candles for soldiers of the Armed Forces


Parents, students and teachers continue to make trench candles and amulets for our soldiers of the Armed Forces on the front lines.

Wartime nativity scene


On the eve of the Christmas and New Year holidays, a friendly family of the 5-I grade

The New Year is approaching!


We believe in New Year’s miracles and look forward to the most beloved holidays of children and adults.

Trench candles for soldiers of the Armed Forces


The school community makes trench candles for the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Helping birds in winter


As part of the campaign, “Help birds in winter!” students of the 1st grade made ecological bird feeders and hung them in the “Ecological Valley”.

Aid to wounded soldiers


During the week, the school community collected aid for the soldiers of the Armed Forces

Congratulations on the holiday of St. Nicholas!


Saint Nicholas Day is a winter holiday that is one of the most beloved and long-awaited for everyone, especially for children.

Waiting for a miracle


New Year’s holidays are waiting for a miracle and the realization of the most cherished dreams.

Please support the wounded fighters!


About a thousand soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are receiving treatment in Cherkasy medical institutions in various states of severity.

Pupils of the school to the soldiers of the Armed Forces


The students of the school continue to actively support the fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine