
We started our club in 2006.

Debates can be described as the process of members of the government and the opposition teams making speeches in turn. It is also possible to put questions to the speaker on the floor if he or she accepts them.

You will debate, with other interested participants about political, economical or social topics. The topics will be chosen by you as a participant, so that you have the chance to talk about the things that you personally are interested in. There are various debating methods that we will introduce to you and that you will experience.

Debates will help you make your speech and thoughts more logical, as well as get used to speaking in front of an audience. Moreover, since ours is an English-speaking club, you will have the chance of practicing your oral speaking skills which are essential if you want to master a language, the English language in this case.

You are free to come by any time if you are interested. We meet weekly.

Your level of English is not an issue, just be sure that you want to speak it.

The atmosphere in our club is friendly and we are united by the common goal of perfecting our skills in the knowledge of the English language, logical thinking and oral speaking.