Regarding the end of the school year in wartime


Due to the situation in Ukraine, which suffers from large-scale aggression by Russia, Minister of Education and Science Serhiy Shkarlet signed an order exempting from passing the State Final Attestation of students who complete primary and basic secondary education in 2021/2022 academic year (in 4 , 9th and 11th grades).
“The main thing now is to ensure the maximum safety of participants in the educational process. Unfortunately, this means that it is impossible to conduct an external independent evaluation in the traditional format in 2022. Access to higher, professional higher and professional (vocational) education for all citizens of Ukraine, regardless of their location, is our highest priority”, said Serhiy Shkarlet.
Serhiy Shkarlet said that the procedure for issuing certificates of basic and complete general secondary education to 9th and 11th grade graduates will be clarified soon. These documents are sure to be available to all graduates, no matter where they are. In particular, the procedure regulates the receipt of documents by internally displaced applicants and those who left the territory of Ukraine.
The Minister also stressed that digitalization will create the safest conditions for participants in the introductory campaign, and security protocols will be followed as much as possible during offline procedures.
Currently, the Ministry of Education and Science, together with the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovation, educators, experts and parents, is working on the final mechanism for accession in 2022. Its development is in the final stages, and it will be presented soon.