Introductory campaign in wartime


On April 1, 2022, an online briefing was held on the inaugural campaign in the conditions of war and overcoming its consequences with the participation of the Minister of Education and Science Serhiy Shkarlet.
“Due to the war, it is impossible to conduct the EIT, EMI and EPI in the traditional format. Now it is important for us to preserve the student body, which is the national and intellectual potential of Ukraine. We should encourage students to study in our country, even at such a difficult time for everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to create accessible and safe conditions for this year’s entrants. That is why we have developed a slightly different model: this year the National Multi-Subject Test (NMT) for higher education will be held”, said Serhiy Shkarlet.
BMT will take the form of online computer testing in three subjects (Ukrainian language, mathematics, history of Ukraine). Different weightings will be set for different specialties.
A creative competition will be held for some specialties to enter the college and the Free Economic Zone. In other important matters, the established rules and schemes of work organization will be preserved as much as possible. Address placement of budget places, wide competition, open and fixed competition proposals, admission for the second education, submission of 5 applications for budget places and up to 20 applications in total, etc. This will be described in more detail in the new regulations along with the timing of the introductory campaign. The timing of the introductory campaign may change in the event of an unfavorable security situation.