School Council

Our School Council consists of three Associations: Students Association, Teachers Association and Parents Association.

School # 3 is a union of people, where culture of each family and culture of school harmoniously enrich each other. We perceive every pupil to be essence of genetic culture, which has been passed to the kid through thousands years of generations of her/his ancestors. We look at the student as the transmitter of the family heritage from the past to the future.

The very fact that our families want the school values and beliefs to become a part of their family heritage is a strong unifying factor.

Such teachers’ and parents’ share such values as kindness, persistence, justice, striving to success… We consider the school parents and teachers to be one professional team. Professionals read professional literature (how to love children); they use their strength, overcome their weaknesses, and use their opportunities for the benefit of children.

We believe that expression of one’s eyes, gesture and intonation often mean more than words. Trust, intelligence and care in relationships are the foundation of our institutional culture.

Since 2000Parents Association welcomes all parents of Sch. 3 student as a member of the school parent community and invites to participate in the school life: volunteering, financial support of the programs and involvement in special projects. Sch.3 Parents Association represents parents of all students of 1-11 grades. The objective of the Parents Association is:

  • To provide assistance and organize school programs implementation.

  • To be the source of information for parents on issues connected with the school life.

  • To facilitate discussion of general issues of school life which are of the parents’ interests.

  • To represent all parents of Sch.155 students on the issues of education and organization of school life.

  • To provide opportunities for the meetings and conducting of special activities for the Sch.3 parents.