
Let’s start! Flashmob “Together we can…”


# stayathome # interact New living conditions in quarantine lead to new forms of interaction.

“Books are a trainer for the mind! Exercise daily!”


#stayathome #interacting
“It is great for a man to benefit from the science of the book

First steps in the project “Bag”

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In a situation where we need to protect our health

“Books are a trainer for the mind! Exercise daily!”

день книги в куток

#stayathome #interacting
Depths of Books:
Who dives into the bottom,
He did have enough, though.
Wonderful pearls makes. (Ivan Franko)

All-Ukrainian school online. Elementary School

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To attention of parents and elementary school students.

“Books are a trainer for the mind! Exercise daily!”

день книги в куток

#stayathome #interacting
… Learn, read,
and learn from others
and do not shy away from it. (T.H. Shevchenko)


в куток

#stayathome #interacting
Nowadays, charity and volunteerism have become not only an actual

“Books are a trainer for the mind!” The most active

день книги в куток

# stayathome # interacting

It’s nice to note that our students and teachers love to read. Scientists point out a few facts about:

Distance Learning is cool!


Being able to work effectively from a distance, be good at technology, and be media literate is an essential 21st century skill.

All-Ukrainian Psychologist Day

куток психолог

On April 23, the followers of Freud, Jung, and Carnegie – psychologists, celebrate their professional holiday.