
Take care of safety!

в куток

On the occasion of the celebration of the World Day of Labor Protection at school, a week passed on labor safety and life safety.

International Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl Disaster


On April 26, 1986 in Ukraine, the Chernobyl disaster caused irreparable damage to the environment.

We are for inclusive!


The teaching staff once again hosted guests from all over the region.

23 Annual IATEFL Ukraine National Conference


Teacher of English and German languages Klymenko A.V. visited the 23rd Annual National Conference IATEFL Ukraine, held at the Kyiv University named after B. Hrinchenko.

Water prize – 2018


Alina Bezhuba, Yelyzaveta Tsyhannyk, students of class 11B and 10A class student Vladyslav Babienko took part in the final of the All-Ukrainian Juvenile Water Prize – 2018 in Kyiv.



Student of 9-A class Anna Inozemets took part in 3 All-Ukrainian competition on IT projects ITALENT.

Environmental Action “Save the Planet Together”


One of the main environmental problems of the planet is the excessive use of resources.

Earth Day


The entire school community commemorates the International Earth Day.

Literary anniversary


The city competition on foreign literature “The presentation of the jubilee book, the book of the writer-jubilatory” took place.

Preparing for the summer camp “GoCamp -2018″


The teacher of the French language, Draka Oksana Vasylivna, took part in the training courses for the summer camp GoCamp 2018.