Take care of safety!

On the occasion of the celebration of the World Day of Labor Protection at school, a week passed on labor safety and life safety. For the week, the school administration, together with teachers, has developed a plan of activities aimed at a comprehensive solution to the issues of ensuring the safe conditions of education and work of the participants in the educational process.
During the parents’ meeting, class leaders discussed with parents the importance of understanding the need for students to develop skills in complying with the rules of conduct in emergencies that arise when the life-affair is violated during the educational process, work or in a social environment. In the single information hours for all school students, the Instruction with children on safety of vital functions concerning safe handling of fire, water objects, leisure activities, driving on roads and motor vehicles, with poisonous, explosive and unknown substances was conducted.
Pupils of 5-6 classes took part in the drawing competition “Child labor protection”, which organized the teacher of fine arts Plakhotnia H.L. Actively students joined the flash mob “Be healthy! Live safely!”. Elementary school teachers conducted an interactive lesson “Rules of the Road”. Girls of the 5th grade have attended a master class for the production of gauze bandages. Pupils of grades 10-11 learned to provide first aid during emergencies.
Not only the teachers of the school, but also the invited guests, were trained in safety. The interview “Rules of handling in non-standard situations” for pupils of the 8th grade was conducted by the senior inspector of juvenile prevention Lapuna Vita Romanivna. Police Officer U.P.P. in Cherkasy Region Lieutenant Police Slipchenko Yulia Andriivna for the pupils of 1-2 classes organized an action “Be visible! Safety is above all!”
The Occupational Safety and Health Week helped students to understand the need for adherence to emergency behavior and form an understanding of the importance of safe behavior during the educational process.