The meeting in the city council


A meeting of representatives of school Interparliamentary Assembly of the City Council Secretary Oleksandr Radutskyi was held. Our school was represented at the meeting by the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of school, academic children’s association “Country of Adventure” Vitalii Kizko.

Pupils Inter-Parliamentary Assembly – a kind of local government disciples all over the city, which includes activists of the school parliaments. Every Wednesday they are going to meet at the Department of Education and Humanitarian Policy of Cherkasy City Council. It discusses new projects each school parliament, the children share their ideas, offering the best of its initiatives implemented at municipality level. So ideas are born of charity balls or town fairs, sporting events and more.

Auditions Interparliamentary Assembly representatives presented their projects implemented in schools in the last school year. The meeting noted the great work of our school to implement environmental education of schoolchildren and preservation of the environment.