
Teacher of the Year 2020

Congratulations to the winner of the city stage of the All-Ukrainian Teacher of the Year contest!

Inclusive graduation class


The first inclusive class in the city of Cherkasy was issued.

Mayor Distinction

The project participants of the School Sustainable Development Workshop received a thank you letter from the mayor.

School project


# My Class 2019-20 The Changing School is about us!

Vivat, Nikita!


Nikita Tovstopiat (teacher Dovhal L.V.) at the All-Ukrainian stage of the Olympiad in Ecology received a loud victory.



Student of 9-A class Anna Inozemets took part in 3 All-Ukrainian competition on IT projects ITALENT.

EcoSoft – 2018


The final of XVIІ All-Ukrainian championship on information technologies “EcoSoft” took place in Kiev.

Democratic School


Ukrainian program of education for democratic citizenship in Ukraine “Democratic School” 2016-2018.

Three-years Ukrainian program of education for democratic citizenship in Ukraine “Democratic School” aims to deepen the culture of democracy in schools by supporting further democratization and decentralization of school governance, promotion of public-public partnerships and the development of a democratic environment in schools, and promoting the organization of educational work on principles of human rights education and democratic citizenship. The structure of the program provides for a dialogue between different regions of Ukraine through the establishment of partnerships between schools. Official website of the program: http://ukr.theewc.org. At the end of the conference schools participating to the Program signed a Declaration of Cooperation. Since March 2016 the school implemented the project “Democratic School”

The project aims to

initiate to support schools and local community aimed at introducing democratic change;

develop, test and evaluate a model of democracy in schools;

cooperate with the school network partners from different regions of Ukraine interested in direct cooperative efforts to develop good governance, democratic institutions and democratic culture in schools.

Information about the project

The project aims to deepen the culture of democracy in schools by supporting democratization and decentralization of school governance, promotion of public-public partnerships and the development of a democratic environment in schools, and promoting the construction of educational work on the principles of human rights education and democratic citizenship.

The structure of the project aimed at enhancing social cohesion and dialogue between members of the educational process through the establishment of partnerships. The activities of our school is based on the Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights adopted Recommendation CM / Rec (2010), and with the priorities of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine for 2015-2017 years.

Expected Results

School starts democratic transformation;

school administration, teachers, students and parents involved in the school projects;

designed and assessed model of democratic culture in the school.

prepared teaching materials to guide the development of a democratic culture in schools;

strengthened institutional platform of education for democratic citizenship and human rights;

established partnerships between schools.

Conceptual Foundations

In order to develop a democratic culture in the school project envisages actions in the following areas:

democratic school environment and democratic governance;

Approaches EDC / OPL in the educational process;

cooperation and partnership with the community (including local governments);

organizing educational projects in schools or as part of community development;

facilitation of meetings aimed at identifying problems and finding solutions;

management education / training programs;

initiatives that led to positive changes in the community, organization and / or institution;

educational work and / or facilitation measures involving people of all ages and from different professional and social experience.

What project will give the participants


develop mentoring skills to support the implementation of school projects aimed at introducing democratic changes in school;

develop teamwork skills;

develop skills in process facilitation partnership;


form and / or summarize knowledge of the approaches and tools EDC / OPL and the ability to apply them in practice;

develop skills in planning, monitoring and evaluation process of change within the conceptual basis for the development project of the school;


form a shared vision of democratic principles and the school of democratic culture in schools;

develop skills in communication and group facilitation training process;

form non-discriminatory attitude to work with project participants.



Through school – to a new culture of energy in Ukraine

The duration of this project: November 2016 – October 2017


energy efficiency and energy conservation in schools through energy monitoring to raise awareness among students about the costs of energy and the transfer of technical knowledge on energy consumption.

The project participants are 15 schools from different cities UKRAINE

Project objectives:

School Building energy management;

Increased discipline and culture of consumption both in school and at home in the environment;

Raising students’ inner desire to save, not indifferent attitude to the rational use of energy resources;

Reducing energy consumption of energy management of objects;

Accounting for energy control, management, analysis, decision-making, regulation and planning their use.

Stages of the project:

- Create energy team.

- Assign responsible for the daily collection of information.

- Conducting energy inventory of energy.

- Daily \ fixing weekly data on consumed energy and temperature conditions objects.

- Storing data in a software tool.

- Analysis of the results.

Working Papers of the new project:

Workbook (notebooks, questionnaires, etc.).

Set of measuring devices for determining quality indicators microclimate (set of young energy auditors, thermometers, hygrometers, udometers).

Personal computer (PC) software and energy management.

Cabinet for Energy (meeting, entering data into a PC and analysis of energy consumption).

Work performed in the project:

Power analysis includes:

gathering information on building inventory for measuring devices, meters,

school assembly passport and protocols for energy management

energy accounting, evaluation data.

The purpose of energy analysis:

identify weaknesses loss

determine the potential for increasing energy efficiency by drawing a picture of efficiency.

Energy declaration

Statement of intent

Job Description Young energy manager

The “School Energy 2.0″ – summary

After the successful implementation of the project “School of energy” at the end of 2016 started the project “School of Energy 2.0″

The “School of Energy 2.0″ is implemented by the Association “Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine” with the support of the project “Establishment of energy agencies in Ukraine”, implemented by “German International Cooperation HMVH” on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety of Germany. The duration of this project: November 2016 – October 2017.

Theme of the project:

Building energy management school


energy efficiency and energy conservation in schools through energy monitoring to raise awareness among students about the costs of energy and the transfer of technical knowledge on energy consumption.

The project participants are 15 schools from different cities of UKRAINE

One of these schools is also our school.

Project objectives:

· Strengthening school energy management;

· Increased discipline and culture of consumption both in school and at home in the environment;

· Raising students’ inner desire to save, not indifferent attitude to the rational use of energy resources.

· Reduction of energy consumption of energy management of objects;

· Accounting for energy control, management, analysis, decision-making, regulation and planning their use.

Now we want to present you the stages of this project in our school.

Stage 1 School team Formation Energy.

Stage 2 Testing of the school’s energy policy

Stage 3 Building energy management system school

Stage 4 Energy Management Software

Stage 5 of the technical experts in school

Stage 6 Informing the school community.

Changes in the financial policy of the school


Disclosure of information about the budget and the financial report