Teacher of the Year 2020

Congratulations to the winner of the city stage of the All-Ukrainian Teacher of the Year contest!Every year our school’s teachers take part in a festival of professional excellence. In this year’s competition, the school was represented by chemistry teacher Budavitska Svitlana. During October, one by one, the tests in the first stage of professional mastery of the All-Ukrainian Competition “Teacher of the Year – 2020” continued. The lessons learned, the methodical raisins presented proved that Svitlana is a unique, creative, confident teacher. “Teacher of the Year 2020” Contest is intended to promote the conceptual provisions of the New Ukrainian School. All the tests were designed to identify the true agents of change: those teachers who are competent in a competent school who understand that it is crucial to find adequate language today when communicating with students. Svitlana became the winner of the city stage of the All-Ukrainian contest “Teacher of the Year – 2020″.
The whole school family congratulates Svitlana Volodymyrivna on her victory and wishes for new victories in the second regional stage.
