
Project “Education for sustainable development”

Very briefly the most important in 2015:

Continued and successfully complete a major project for our school, “Education for Sustainable Development in Action”;

Its family members of the “Education for Sustainable Development in Action” and “Sustainable household” reduce water consumption to 12-16%, electricity by 17-18%; reduce the amount of garbage that is thrown, 27% simply by changing their habits. Participants estimated – a total of 15% savings for the family budget.

Became participants of the joint project of UNDP “market transformation towards energy efficient lighting”

Some of the results of the study

Found that students’ willingness to work towards sustainable development is very different classes, studying the course “Lessons for Sustainable Development” from those who have not studied this course.

September 25, 2015 193 Member States of the United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development in New York unanimously adopted a new global program for sustainable development, which contains 17 goals that the world should reach by 2030.

“The true test of commitment to Agenda-2030 will be its implementation. We need action by all and everywhere. Our landmark is seventeen goals of sustainable development. They are mandatory list of cases for people and the planet, the plan succeed “, – said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon during his speech at the summit.

1 January 2016 started the countdown – the world has 15 years to reach 17 ambitious goals.

Our school also will move to implement them, taking part in the competition “Sustainable Financing and – our choice”

More extensive information on the project to:


In March 2013 started the second phase of the project “Education for Sustainable Development in Action”, designed for 2013-2015. The project is a charitable organization “Teachers for Democracy and Partnership” (Ukraine) and “Global Action Plan” (Sweden) supported by the Agency for Development Cooperation SIDA (Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

The project is aimed at teaching students and skills to build their own lives and families, the local community to meet the needs of sustainable development through the development and implementation in practice of schools and infant schools new direction Ukraine – education for sustainable development.

In 2010 – 2012 it was the first phase of the project “Education for sustainable development in action”. During the first phase of the project has developed a series of educational materials on education for sustainable development in grades 3-8. Subsequently, these materials were introduced in schools as elective courses, electives, clubs, club and other forms of extracurricular activities. In the first phase of the project was attended by 7 regions of Donetsk, Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Ternopil, Kharkiv and Poltava and Crimea.

Education for sustainable development aimed at forming Ukraine sustainable, ecological style of everyday life in the household, school and local community, which includes:

reducing the discharge of dust and waste of raw materials;

sustainable energy and water;

increasing the share of environmental products in everyday purchases, etc.

The project involves educational activity for sustainable development through information campaigns, such as:

Information Service of “Eco-Telephone” urban project;

Publication of information products;

cooperation with the media;

seminars, round tables;

competitions of children’s creativity

and creating environmental guard detachment at the school that will promote the goals and ideas of sustainable production and consumption in practice. Team members can be students, teachers and the public.

Project “Development of social cohesion of subjects of educational process”

According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from August 5, 2016 № 951 “On establishment of the working group and approved plan working group on the development of social cohesion of subjects of educational process” in Ukraine in September 2017 sold Ukrainian project “Development of social cohesion of subjects of the educational process. ”

Goal: to combine the efforts of parents, teachers and the public to help to create a comfortable environment for the children in social and cultural space.

Project objectives:

1) Examine the needs of parents, students and teachers on the main elements of the educational process;

2) Develop a strategy for the development of social cohesion subjects of the educational process;

3) Analyze the development of social cohesion of students, teachers and parents.


students of grades 7-9;

parents of students enrolled in grades 7-9;

Teachers who teach in grades 7-9.

Duration: September 2016 – October 2017.

Project coordinators are deputy director of educational work Karbivnycha I.V., school social teacher Hliobas I.M.

For information: Social cohesion – the ability of a society to ensure the welfare of all its members, minimizing disparities and avoiding the development of marginalized people.

Community of the City to education

In Cherkassy Drama Theatre were summarized the results of the city contest “Community of the City to education”. The participants of the contest were the boards of educational institutions, parent’s committees, custodian boards of schools, the representatives of the community of the city (deputes, enterprisers, businessmen, parents, citizens), institutions and companies of the city, civil, religious, charitable organizations, committees of self-government of districts etc.

Silver Medal of the Exhibition “Innovations in the modern education”

On the third National exhibition “Innovations in the modern education” organized by the Ministry of education and science, youth and sports of Ukraine; the National academy of pedagogical science of Ukraine and the company “Exhibition World” composite author of the school presented to the jury the scientific work “We say “yes” to the inclusion” (integration of children with the specific requirements in educational medium) because from 2008 our school started the implementation of inclusive education of three forms: integration of the children with the specific requirements in educational medium, special class-room for children with cerebral spastic infantile paralysis and individual form of education. The jury highly estimated the work and awarded “silver medal”.

Grains of experience

Annually teachers of our school take active part in the City exhibition of pedagogical technologies “Grains of experience” and regional exhibition “Education of Cherkassy Region”. The teachers’ works were presented in the sections: Pedagogic of the development of a personality, author’ group, (compilers: Tkachenko Tetiana Yegorivna, Barsukova Larysa Mykhailivna), School which is changing

School eLibrary


eLibrary is one of the most comprehensive collections of engaging supplemental digital content for public libraries and schools. In addition to hundreds of full text and full run journals and newspapers, eLibrary offers millions of the best images, maps, websites and videos to support today’s classrooms.

The new state standards

According to the new state standard of primary education starting from the II semester of 2014 pupils of the second form are estimated by 12-point scale. Educational achievements of 2nd form pupils in the following subjects: “Health Basis”, “Physical Culture”, “Music”, “Art”, “Computer Science” should be estimated verbally.

For the excellent success in studying 2ng form pupils can be awarded certificate of progress and good conduct “For high achievements in education”.