Rainbow Week


Day One
Rainbow week began in elementary school. Monday turned out to be very sunny and bright, because it was yellow. Yellow is the color of the sun, joy and optimism. The eye rejoices, the heart is full of delight, the soul sings, feeling a warm breath. Yellow is the need for perspectives, hopes for the best. It is the color of creativity and vitality. First day students began to study myrrh, learn about friendship. An interesting event “Journey through Friendship Country” took place among students of 4-B class (the class teacher Osadcha I.V.).  In class 2, children together with class teacher Hryhorenko M.O. demonstrated that “Friendship is wonderful”. Pupils of 2-B class staged the fairy tale goose fairy tale for kids from extended day groups. Social educator, Kharchenko Ya.Yu., organized an art platform for the production of leaflets-support for children with cancer. The whole elementary school worked under the slogan “Friendship – the most precious treasure”. During the day, children played in love, studied myrrh, sang songs about friendship, were photographed, and determined the brightest image. The day was fast and fun.