“Ukraine is the heart of Europe!”

Today, the entire school family has joined the celebration of Europe Day. This year all events were held under the slogan “Ukraine is the heart of Europe!”. During the day, schoolchildren participated in various events organized by the school community Euro-club “Commonwealth” and its coordinator Kostenko V.V. Classical collectives from the 1st to 11th grades presented the countries of Europe in the form of a poster exhibition. Elementary school students took an active part in the exhibition “Traveling Through the Countries of Europe”. Pupils 3-6th form presented the “Portfolio of Europeans” projects. Senior pupils produced lecture books “Education of European Countries”. For pupils of grades 5-9, members of the Euro club held an interesting country-study quest “Gallop on Europe”, during which the students not only met with European countries, but also had a chance to learn a lot of interesting facts about the culture and traditions of European countries. During breaks, pupils of grades 5-7 tested their knowledge in the interactive game “Traveling by European Countries” on the Kahoot platform and sang “Star Hits of Europe”. Together with the teachers of computer science, pupils of the 8-9th form took part in the online contest “Eurovision”. At the end of the day, Euro clubs and representatives of school self-government became participants in an information-rich scholar, during which students challenged one of the classes to ask questions about Europe. As a result of this event, the charlag newspaper “Let’s Go Europe” was created jointly. The celebration ended with the flash mob “Ukraine is the heart of Europe!”.