Energy Efficiency Training

Training on energy efficiency was held in the village of Vorgaev, Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi district. The event was held at the Information and Educational Center “Ecological Guard”. The training program of the project “Cherkasy Green Energy” was attended by the teachers of the school Artiomova U.O., Budavitska S.V. and Klymenko O.I. The two days training program consisted of five modules. Teachers have mastered innovative forms of climatic education, methods and techniques of pedagogy of partnership in education for sustainable development, theoretical and practical skills in conducting energy audits at school.
The head of the All-Ukrainian Ecological League Tetiana Valentinivna Timochko inspired teachers to take action in her speech “Ukraine needs sustainable (balanced) development!”, talked with teachers and answered all their questions.
Note: The Cherkasy Green Energy project is being implemented through the LINK grant from the Regional Environmental Center for Eastern and Central Europe and funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Environment. The project is carried out by: Cherkasy regional organization VEL (chairman Fomina N. M.), Cherkasy regional organization of NMC “Ecological initiatives” (head Tupitsky B.I.), Cherkasy city organization VDS “Ecological guard” (head Dovhal L.V.) and Cherkasy Regional Union of Inventors (chairman Stoliarenko G.S.).