Festival of sport

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Opening ceremony of the sports ground of the school was held.

School family warmly welcomed the guests: Secretary of Cherkasy City Council Olexandr Radutskyi, deputy mayor Stanislav Ovcharenko, Yury Honcharov, who is the Chairman of the Football Federation of Cherkasy, deputies of Cherkasy City Council V.Khalai, Roman Diskant, Director of Education and Humanitarian Policy Cherkasy City Council Maryna Baklanova and Deputy Director Yevhen Stepko.

In her speech, the school director Tkachenko Tetiana Yehorivna congratulated pupils, teachers and parents with an excellent opportunity discovery playground, Olexandr Radutskyi promised even more pleasing to urban communities new sports fields and motivate residents to move forward to new victories, and Maryna Baklanova shared pride in the fact students in the city that first appeared such a wonderful playground and wished all those present to be healthy and love sports.

Under loud applause symbolic ribbon at the entrance to the area was cut by Radutskyi Olexandr and Tetiana Tkachenko.

As a present, guests heard beautiful words and songs about sports from school students.

Everyone received the fun of this event and the positive charge, and for students of the school this event was a nice incentive to new sporting achievements.