We respect defenders

The school community joined a number of events on the Day of Defenders of Ukraine. The main goal is to form a growing personality’s readiness to defend the Motherland, respect the courage and heroism of the defenders of Ukraine’s independence and territorial integrity, military traditions and victories of the Ukrainian people, and help strengthen the patriotic spirit. Exhibitions of drawings, newspapers and postcards dedicated to this remarkable event opened on all floors of the school. During the information hours, students recalled the glorious history of the Ukrainian Cossacks, heroes of the past and present. On the initiative of the volunteer club “Vector” the school action “School family – to soldiers of OOS” was carried out. Pupils of 10-11 grades took part in the military-patriotic game “Cossack Fun”. The competition consisted of various types of folk sports and military exercises: Cossack cavalry, transfer of the victim, passing the contaminated area in gas masks, dragging the line, bench to bench, passing the obstacle course, transfer and installation of anti-tank mines. High school students demonstrated the best personal and team qualities, competed uncompromisingly until the last minute. The teams of 11-A and 10-A classes shared the first place in the fierce struggle.