Results of ecological actions
Results of ecological actions to collect waste paper and plastic bottles per year are ready. In the collection of waste paper “Give the tree a ring” won first place in 3-B class (class teacher Shevchenko N.A.) – 937 kg, second place went to 7-A class (class teacher Tereshchenko I.V.) – 558 kg, third place won students of 1-B class (class teacher Osadcha I.V.) – 533 kg.
The winners of the environmental campaign to collect plastic bottles “cleanse the city from polyethylene” were: first place – 4-B class (class teacher Dziuba A.O.) – 2554 bottles, the second – 3-B class (class teacher Shevchenko N.A. ) – 914 bottles, the third – 8-B class (class teacher Sotulenko O.Yu.) – 838 bottles.
School Parliament Environment Committee thanks all school students for active participation in the collection of waste paper and plastic bottles. Note that collecting the recycled materials we preserve the natural environment of our planet.