Remember Heroes of Kruty

Exactly 100 years ago, over half a dozen Ukrainian students, defending Kyiv, entered an unequal battle with the Bolsheviks. Honoring the memory of the heroes – at the information halls, schoolchildren remembered the defenders of the Ukrainian statehood – the heroes of Kruty. Students of the 8th grade together with the history teacher Parnachova N.V. watched a movie “Heroes of Kruty” and tried to answer the question “Fight under Kruty – a feat or a tragedy?”. Pupils of the 10-A class (class teacher Kononekno T.H.) visited the city library named after L. Ukrainka, where they became participants in an open lecture “Fight under Kruty: Famous and Unknown Pages”. The literary composition is devoted to almost peers, and 9-A and 9-B grades were prepared for their classmates. For the modern generation of students, the feat of their peers is an example in the struggle for independence and territorial integrity of our state.
Note: The battle near Kruty took place on January 16 (29), 1918, near the Kruty railway station near the village of Kruty and village Pamiatne, 130 kilometers northeast of Kiev, 18 kilometers east of Nizhyn. This fight lasted 5 hours between the 4,000th division of the Russian Red Guard under the leadership of Mikhail Muravev and a detachment from the Kiev Cadets and Cossacks “Free Cossacks”, which in total numbered about four hundred soldiers. In the battle under Kruty, the boys suspended the enemy’s attack. The Soviet army lost its combat ability for four days.