The first president of the school was elected

Nikita Makarenko, a 9-A class student, was elected the first president of the school by a majority vote. The counting commission consisting of Ilia Kruts, Maria Tymoshenko, Ania Yaremko and Oleksii Masanov published the will of the school community. 440 students of 5-11 grades took part in the voting.
The inauguration of the president will take place at a session of the school parliament. The first president, together with the leadership of the school parliament, after consultations with the heads of classes, will determine the candidates for the position of chairmen of parliamentary committees and members of the jury of the school competitions “Class of the Year” and “Student of the Year”.
The whole school community sincerely congratulates the first president of the school – Nikita Makarenko and wishes fruitful, meaningful work on the implementation of democratic ideas in the educational environment.