Come Back Alive!

Our school has joined the All-Ukrainian action “Come Back Alive!” It is aimed to support the soldiers in ATO area. During the handicraft lessons the pupils will make the patriotic articles: amulets, heaters, sawed or knitted clothes, boxes etc. The action will be finished with the exhibition of the pupils works and the best articles will be presented to ATO soldiers or transferred to them with the help of volunteers. O.V. Boichenko and O.V. Kudrynska coordinate this action.
We ask all the pupils of our school to take the active part in the action “Come Back Alive!” and support the soldiers defending territorial unity of our state.
Energy Saving Lightning
Our school starts to implement the project “Energy Saving Lightning”. It is the part of the project “Transformation of the market in the direction of Energy Saving Lightning” included in UNO Program of the development. Power saving and energy efficiency become more actual from year to year. These issues are important not only for the state and business but for the people as well.
The project will be implemented at the lessons for stable development, included in the course “My happy planet”, faculty “The basis of consumer knowledge”, at the lessons of geography, physics, economics, handicraft and nature study. Our school received the required materials from charitable organization “The teachers for democracy and partnership”.
V.M. Sokyrka coordinates the project