Ecological games. Sustainable Development Week


Traditionally, in the middle of June in most European countries the Days of Standing Energy are held. This year, the city of Cherkasy, in the framework of the agreement of the mayors, joined the initiative for the first time. The initiators of the Days of Sustainable Energy are the Department of Economics and the City Development.

Teachers of biology and ecology of our school – Dovhal Liudmyla and Klymenko Olena, as well as students – members of the energy team “School of Energy” and “School of Energy 2.0″ became active participants of the events this week.

On the day of opening on June 18, 2017, at the Khreshchatyk City shopping mall, teachers and graduates conducted the Eco-Quest educational game program. The main theme of the game was the responsible attitude and energy-efficient utilization of waste that people create in their everyday lives. The eco-quest has gathered around more than 50 children of middle and junior school age. All the participants who have passed the test and faithfully completed the task, received valuable energy-efficient prizes – LED lights and sets for creativity – pencils and drawing albums. The eco-quest was developed on the basis of ecological games that were held in the “Workshop of Sustainable Development” at school №3, together with representatives of the company “Bethen Inzhenieri” within the framework of the pilot project on integrated optimization of the waste recycling and recycling system.

The second event, held on the initiative of the Public Organization VDS “Ecological Guard” on the Days of Sustainable Energy, was the environmental games “Playing, Changing the World”. Dovhal L.V. as chairman of the VDS “Ecological Guard” in the city of Cherkasy and O.I. Klymenko as the coordinator of the school “Ecological Guard” conducted in the Children’s Park of the city ecological games. These interesting, entertaining games in an accessible form revealed the concept of “energy efficiency”, “energy efficiency”, “climate change”, “waste utilization” in front of children. Children in an exciting game get acquainted with the important concepts and principles on which to base an environmentally friendly way of life.

Ecological organizations of the school and the energy team are confident that the Days of Sustainable Energy in Cherkasy will be a good tradition.