Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language


The Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language is a celebration of the development of the state language, which is celebrated annually in Ukraine on November 9. According to the Orthodox calendar, it is a day of honoring the memory of the Reverend Nestor Litopysets, a follower of the creators of Slavic writing, Cyril and Methodius.
From generation to generation, in times of discord and exaltation, our ancestors passed on to us the treasure – the native language. The people cherished it in songs and legends and passed it from generation to generation so that it would not perish. For us, the native language is not only an expensive heritage that combines folk wisdom. This is our pride, because everything created by it has entered the treasury of universal culture. On the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language, Ukrainian Radio traditionally hosts a radio dictation of national unity. This campaign has been launched since 2000. Since then, every year everyone can take part in writing a radio dictation and not so much find out whether they know the Ukrainian language well, but how to demonstrate unity with all those who love and respect the Ukrainian word.
This year, students of grades 3-11 wrote dictations at school to become participants in the first stage of the Petro Yatsyk International Ukrainian Language Competition.
Elementary school students actively participated in various activities: lesson-holiday “I am learning my native language” (1-A class, class teacher Dziuba A.O.); competition of laptops for the Day of Ukrainian Literature (3-A class, class teacher Harazhun L.V.); watching the video “Interesting facts about the Ukrainian language” (3rd grade); hour of communication “I love the native language” (2-B class, class teacher Vysotska O.I.); five-minute information about the Day of Ukrainian Literature (2nd grade).
At the end of the school day – a holiday “Let’s support the Ukrainian” with the participation of 10th grade students. The day was emotionally sublime, creating an atmosphere of patriotism for schoolchildren.