Day of Dignity and Freedom


This day is special for the citizens of our state. It reminds that dignity is possessed by everyone, because a person receives dignity from birth. It is important to remember that dignity sometimes needs to be upheld and protected. The flash mob “We are for peace!” started at the school in the morning. . The heroes of Ukraine who stood up for freedom and dignity were mentioned during information hours in grades 1-11. Pupils of 2B class made patriotic ribbons, and pupils of 3I class created a collage “Ukraine – the territory of Dignity and Freedom”. From the bottom of their hearts, elementary school students expressed their feelings in the national and patriotic symbols of our Motherland and drawings on the theme “Ukraine is we”. Pupils honored the memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred by laying flowers at the monument to the Fighters for the Freedom of Ukraine.
Note: on November 21, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Dignity and Freedom, which united two significant events in the recent history of Ukraine – the Orange Revolution of 2004 and the Revolution of Dignity of 2013. The holiday was established by the Decree of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko dated November 13, 2014. The purpose of the commemorative date was to convey to present and future generations objective information about the fateful events in Ukraine at the beginning of the XXI century, as well as to pay due respect to patriotism and courage of citizens who defended democratic values, human rights and freedoms, national interests, our state and its European choice.