Star Four


The results of the second (regional) phase of the competition-protection research – works JAS are ready. Iryna Vovk won first place in the department “Ecology and Agrarian Science” section of “Agriculture” from work “Morphological variability chickpea seeds under the influence of certain bioactive substances and growing conditions” and will represent the school at the National stage. Natalia Kolomiets took second place in the same department, section “Environment” protected work “The spread of invasive species Harmonia axyridis in Cherkasy” (supervisor Dovhal L.V.). Another star of the department “Ecology and agrarian science,” but in the section “Environment”, became Inna Pidhorna, the jury for the work “Reducing carbon dioxide emissions through the introduction of hydrogen energy using solar energy” (supervisor Budavitska S.V.) awarded her third place. Second place won Maria Biletska in the department “Chemistry and Biology”, section “Medicine” with the work “Adaptation of school children 6 and 10 years teaching load” (supervisor Klymenko O.I.).

The school, school parliament, Academic Council, Children’s Association “Land of Adventure”, students and teachers congratulate Iryna Vovk, Natalia Kolomiets, Inna Podhorna, Maria Beletska and their supervisors Dovhal Liudmyla, Svitlana Budavitska, Klymenko Olena with victory in the second stage of the competition-defense scientific research Junior Academy of Sciences and wish further success in research activities.