Stars of JAS
II (city) stage of the competition-defense scientific research Junior Academy of Sciences ended. We have good results. Student of 11B class Aliona Pereviznyk in the department “Chemistry and Biology” section of “Chemistry” with the work “Spectrophotometric determination of thiocyanates in the saliva of smokers and nonsmokers,” and her classmate Tetiana Bytko in the department “Ecology and agrarian science”, section “Environment and sustainable Nature “with work” Creation of efficient light emitting diodes “(supervisor chemistry teacher Budavitska S.V.) won seats. The department “Chemistry and Biology” section of “General Biology” Class 9B student Natalia Kolomiets took place, protecting jobs “Monitoring of populations of invasive species Harmonia axyridis in Cherkasy” (supervisor teacher of biology and ecology Dovhal L.V.).
The department “Ecology and agrarian science”, section “Breeding and Genetics” student of 9A class Iryna Vovk scientific work “Modeling responses population systems of green frogs on different anthropogenic pressure” and student of 11B class Sviatoslav Handiuk in section “Ecology” protected work ” Terrestrial lifehucs: economy and ecology “(supervisor teacher of biology and ecology Dovhal L.V.) won second place.
The department “Economy” section of “Finance, money circulation and credit” 11A class student Mykola Biliaiev with the work “The cooperation with international financial institutions” (supervisors teacher of mathematics and economics Zasiadko L.V.) took third place.
The school, school parliament, Academic Council, Children’s Association “Land of Adventure”, students and teachers sincerely congratulate students and their supervisors Budavitska S.V, Dovhal L.V. and L.V. Zasiadko with victory in the first stage of the competition-protection research papers Junior Academy of Sciences and wish further success in the second (regional) phase.