Happy New Year!
Dear pupils, teachers, parents and friends of our school! We cordially congratulate you with the long-waiting holiday – New Year of 2015! All of us like this holiday from the childhood. It is full of common joy, happiness, waiting for miracle, fairy-tale, warmness and hope.
Looking back we can tell that 2014 was not in vain. It was full of events, hard work, deep content and achievements. It presented us with joy of the meetings and discoveries, victories, new knowledge, professional and life experience.
On the eve of the New Year it is a custom to make wishes and believe that they will come true. From our heart we wish you big happiness, strong health, joy, true friends and close people beside you. Let the coming year make your wishes true, bring prosperity to your families. Peace, mutual understanding and love to your homes.
Happy New Year!
T.Ye. Tkachenko, school principal
V.V. Oparina, head of the school board
H. Pidchasiuk, school parliament speaker