National contest Intel Eco-Ukraine 2014


The national stage of international competition of scientific and technical creativity Intel Eco-Ukraine 2014 took place in Kyiv. Cherkasy region was represented by six students, including two our students, Marina Radko (10 A) and Anzhelika Gavrilova (11-B). According to the results the works by our students took the second place. The teacher of Biology and Ecology, Liudmyla Dovgal was our students’ scientific leader. Anzhelika Gavrilova and Maryna Radko were awarded by diplomas of winners and silver medals, money prizes and certificates. L. Dovgal got Thank you Diploma for preparing students.

By the way, it was the third time when our school took part on the National stage of international competition of scientific and technical creativity Intel Eco-Ukraine. This collaboration allows our students to deepen their knowledge in research activities and provides an opportunity to meet with the intellectual elite of Ukraine.