All-Ukrainian research
National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine to implement the program of joint actions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 05.07.2014 year our school includes monitoring factors of professional self introduction youth in the National Qualifications Framework.
Monitoring prestige occupations developed the program and improvement of research methods features professional choices of young people considering introducing national qualifications framework, intensification of receiving guidance professionalization of students studying at the stage of entry into the profession. The program of experimental study of group reflection as a factor of professional self-determination and justification of future psychologists’ adequacy lines provided its analysis to identify the localization of group reflection and impact of localization on the effectiveness of professional self. The structure to optimize the multimedia guide career choices was grounded. Processed scientific sources on issues of professional self, analyzed the concept and structure of the National Qualifications Framework in the context of the problems of self-determination. The theoretical analysis of foreign and domestic research and determined on the basis of its role as a factor of prestige profession professional self Youth. Electronic resource research tool and instrument of interaction with user was developed. It was held and conducted a nationwide representative survey of adults and students graduating classes of secondary schools.
Students 9 B class, have already started a number of investigations. They were tested on the prestige of the profession of their choice and the labor market.
Research will continue.