An agreement on cooperation with the National Pharmaceutical University has been concluded


On January 12, 2024, the director of Cherkasy Specialized School No. 3 Valerii Zavinovskyi and Doctor of Pharm. of Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the National Science and Technology University, Hanna Severina, took a step towards future joint activities regarding the organization of educational and career guidance events by concluding a cooperation agreement. The students of the school have already attended interesting and informative lectures that took place within the framework of the project “PHARM CAMP NPHaU-winter 2024! Create the future with NPHaU!” The director and his deputies, Yanina Kharchenko and Nataliia Parnachova, expressed great interest in the further opportunity for students and teachers of the school to participate in scientific and educational events held at the National Pharmaceutical University. The following events were also planned as part of joint activities, in particular, a cycle of lectures on the topic “Healthy lifestyle – the key to a happy future” was planned, the first of which will be held on January 16 for 10th grade students. To be continued…