Teacher of the Year – 2019

School teachers Draka O.V. and Harazhun L.V. became the laureates of the II (regional) tournament of the All-Ukrainian contest “Teacher of the Year – 2019″. The competition was attended by 223 participants in the nominations “Inclusive Class Teacher”, “French Language”, “Geography”, “Protection of the Motherland” and “Fundamentals of Health” from all regions and cities of our Cherkasy region.
During the qualifying phase, the authors’ video summaries of contestants were evaluated, in the on-line mode the participants of the competition were tested for professional competence. According to the results of the qualifying stage, there were determined three finalists in each nomination, among them Oksana Vasylivna and Liudmyla Viktorivna. During the two competition days, the participants of the final round worked out and defended the author’s creative projects, carried out practical work on the specialty, conducted competitive lessons, demonstrated the level of possession of the method of interactive forms of work during the methodological workshop.
At the end of the last stage of the competition there was a solemn award, which was attended by the head of the Department of Education and Science of the Regional State Administration Valeriy Danylevskyi, deputy head Oksana Simushina, rector of OIPPP Natalia Chepurna, chairman of the regional committee of the Trade Union of Education and Science of Ukraine Olha Zhaldak, the pedagogical community of the region.
The entire school community sincerely congratulates Oksana Vasylivna and Liudmyla Viktorivna. We are proud of you!