# School of Peace. The long-awaited workshop

Within the framework of the School of Peace project, a workshop “Social Unity, Cohesion” was held for teachers. In the new premises of the Peace Class, teachers took part in trainings: “Breaking gender stereotypes as a tool to strengthen social unity”. The trainer of the project Tetiana Kolomiets worked with the participants on the concepts: gender stereotypes, masculinity, femininity, gender discrimination. Denys Verba conducted a training “The impact of educational reform on the development strategy of the teaching staff in ZSSO”, during which we gained knowledge about the concept: modern tools of cohesion, social action projects as one of the methods of interaction with students and parents in modern ZSSO. The highlight of the workshop was an interactive exercise on “Resolving the conflict with human rights and tolerance” during which participants analyzed the obstacles to building a safe educational space and tried to find ways to prevent discrimination, bullying and violence, and at the end of the training participated in a simulation “Olympia”.
The two-day workshop brought together and inspired school teachers to continue working to avoid and resolve conflict situations. So see you soon!