Clarification of the content, structure and evaluation of the SMC block on the Ukrainian language


The team of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment has prepared an explanation of the content, structure and evaluation of the national multidisciplinary test unit in the Ukrainian language.
The content of the tasks of the SMC unit in the Ukrainian language will correspond to the current program of the EIT in the Ukrainian language. Please note that in the relevant program you should be interested only in the part related to the Ukrainian language. This part covers all language topics, the study of which is provided in the school course of the Ukrainian language, namely:
“Phonetics. Graphics. Orthoepy. Orthography”;
“Lexicology. Phraseology”;
“Word structure. Word formation “;
“Speech development”.
The section of linguistics of the SMC unit on the Ukrainian language corresponds to what characterizes the content of external evaluation tests. However, the sections “Stylistics” and “Speech Development” are given a little less attention due to the computer format of testing, which, in particular, makes it impossible to use tasks to provide written detailed or short answers.
In total, there will be 20 tasks in the Ukrainian language block, including:
15 tasks with the choice of one correct answer from 4 or 5 options;
5 tasks to establish compliance.
There will be no tasks in the SMC block on the Ukrainian language, that provide detailed or short written answers, as well as tasks on Ukrainian literature.
Tasks in the Ukrainian language will be evaluated according to the scheme of external evaluation points: 1 test point for each correct answer and 1 test point for a correctly defined logical pair. You can get from 0 to 35 points for performing the tasks of the SMC unit in the Ukrainian language.
You will find out your result (number of points scored) after performing the SMC blocks. Later, the result of each block will be translated into a scale of 100-200 points. To get a result on this scale, it will be enough to score at least one test score.