Results of European Mobility Week

Pupils actively participated in activities held at the school on 16-22.09.2016 during the European Mobility Week.
The week began with morning exercise for students in elementary school, which held students of Taekwondo club “Cherkassy Tigers.” Teachers of Physical Education Lyzunenko O.V., Ikina A.V. together with students of grades 7-9 participated in the city run “730 meters”. In educational school hours, students watched a video “Smart and Sustainable Mobility – investment in Europe” on the use of sustainable modes of transport in order to preserve the environment and save their money. Teachers of primary school had an interesting game called “What is public transport”, where together with students studied as related transport, environment and behavior of each of us.
On appeal preserve the environment and save money, students of 10 classes organized flash mob “Smart mobility. The strong economy.” Biology Teacher Dovhal L.V. and students of 11-A Class had web flesh mob “I support the European Mobility Week.” Students of grades 8-9, along with biology teacher Klymenko O.I. presented a project of personal videos on the theme “My future city”. Koval V.I. teacher of Geography and students of 8th graders were involved in the planning of clean and accessible to all district by examining alternative solutions to transport problems.
Creative and unusual method of environmental sector monitoring school parliament made changes in mobility in school. Under the slogan “Smart and Sustainable Mobility – investment in Europe” was an exhibition of pictures and posters.
Activities were interesting, vivid and compelling.