The Foreign Languages Week


Traditionally the Foreign Languages Week was held at our school. The week started with the exhibition of wallpapers and posters. Students had an opportunity to familiarize with history, culture, traditions and holidays of countries the languages of which are taught at school.

The English teacher N. Zhyvochenkova conducted the “ABC-party” for the 1st grade students. Students of the 4th and 5th grades had an opportunity to watch films about Great Britain, London in English. Different quizes and brain-rings were conducted for the students of the 8A and 11A by the English teachers I. Karbivnycha, O. Kovalenko, Zh. Voskolovych. The English teacher I. Tereshchenko prepared a virtual trip to Cherkasy zoo for the 2th grade students.

Also the «Song festival» took place for the students of 5-11th grades.

The students of 5A grade and their teachers  I. Karbivnycha and O.Bilous presented the musical «12 Month» for the parents. Wonderful performances were prepared by our English-speaking puppet theatre (leader L.Kolomiets). The young producers of 7A together with their teacher O.Bilous turned out video-clip “Safety in the Internet”, which was presented for the students of different grades at the Computer studies lessons.

One of the most remarkable event  was the exhibition of projects. The works by students of the primary school, 5-6th grades and also 7A, 8A, 9A, 10A, 11A were presented. Some students prepared the project work devoted to the honour of  the 200-th anniversary of T.  Shevchenko. Within the framework of the French Day, french teachers O. Draka and A. Liashchenko conducted the opened lessons, students took part in different quizes  and contests. But especially students pleased the poetry competition in French, which was conducted in a  French speaking centre «Alliance Frances». Our student’s team won.

The activities were interesting bright and amazing.