New position of Lilia Saiun


For many years our school representatives are active in Student City Inter-parliamentary Assembly. This year the school parliament speaker Saiun Lilia ran for the post of Deputy Speaker of the venerable structure. Following the vote, the three candidates, Lilia was elected Deputy Speaker. In her election program she presented the project “green swirl” which is the second year is being implemented in our school. The whole school family congratulates Lilia election of Deputy Speaker of City Student Parliamentary Assembly and wish fruitful work!

To attention. Lilia Saiun second consecutive year, led by a school parliament, is the winner of whole-school competition “Pupil of the year – 2016″ in the category “Best Activist of the Year”. Last year, Lilia was the initiator of the City Charity Ball, participated in an urban student conference “Model UN: Cherkasy – 2015″ urban military-patriotic game “Jura” was organizer of many school meetings. This year she has been active in the patriotic festival “We are Cossack family” dedicated to the Day of Ukrainian Cossacks and the Ukrainian students’ linguistic and literary conference “Cherkasy and international humanitarian space”.