Math Contest “PRANHLIMINE”


The students of our school participated in the competition “PRANHMILINE.” This is a mathematical contest with oral account online, conducted in the education Miksike site. In the first three phases was attended by 20 students of 5 – 11 grades of our school. Participants competed in two stages receive certificates.

Miksike – educational online environment allows teachers, students and parents to create and use their own training materials online, and use the online collection of learning materials created by the joint efforts of teachers participating in the project. Also Miksike educational online environment allows you to organize and conduct educational competitions among school students, between students of various schools of the region or country, and between schools across Europe. In 2011 Miksike started cooperation with Ukraine in support Arengukoostöö Programm (Estonian Development Cooperation), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia. All activities under the “Miksike in Ukraine” for secondary schools Ukraine are free of charge. Competitions develop oral skills of mathematical calculations make it possible to actively interact with participants of the competition of different countries such as Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Slovenia.

Sign up and participate in the “Miksike in Ukraine” can Grades 1-11 students, teachers and parents at any stage of the competition. We invite everyone to take part in a mathematical competition “PRANHMILINE.”