Cossacks’ fun


Students of the 10th and 11th formations gathered in a military patriotic holiday “Cossacks’ fun”. It was opened by the teacher of the course “Protection of the Motherland” Verbytsky S.V., who wished all participants success and victory. The teams of 10A class “Bread Mint” (captain Vladyslav Babiienko) and class 11B “Sapsani” (Captain Artiom Kharchenko) competed in various types of national sports and military exercises: training (crew training), Cossack cavalry, relay in gas masks, dragging liners, benches on the bench, victims of the victim, the passage of obstacles, the establishment of anti-tank mines. Senior pupils demonstrated the best personal and team skills in sports-applied, folk and military exercises, uncompromisingly competed until the last minute. In a fierce struggle, the team of the 11B class won.