School Board is forming


Democratically were elected representatives of the Council of schools from parents and teachers. Parents decided with their representatives at parents’ meetings and teachers on pedagogical council.

September 4-5 will be held trainings within the project “Democratic School”. Topics of training: “Introduction. Clarification of concepts “,” User Council and their use in the school, “” School authorities and the impact of the various participants in the democratization of school life “,” Proactive stance in school: how it can manifest itself? “. The training will be attended by representatives of teachers, parents and students community.

Having gained new knowledge and skills in the school authorities, school students spend in school democratically session of parliament, which will elect representatives to the Council school of them.

This year, elections to the Council on the new school are using modern democratic methods. It was taken into account as a personal desire and competencies of each person, the credibility of the entire school community, communicative and creative. In the House of Representatives parents of parallels of all classes, and the ward teachers most respected educators who seek democratic change.

We hope that the new composition of the schools will attract wider community of the city to jointly address all school issues.