Eco class

Our school has joined II All-Ukrainian contest “Eco class” promoting the development of the ecological culture of the pupils. The slogan of the contest is “Your first grown-up project”. I t is aimed to draw attention to the ecological problems of your native land, involve in the practical activity to improve local environment, develop skills of project activity, form ecological culture which will become the norm of behavior of the pupils and unite children, parents, teachers and citizens. Contest organizers are – trade net “Foxtrot. Household equipment”. Partner is the National ecological and natural center of the MES of Ukraine. The contest is supported by the Institute of Innovations of the MES of Ukraine. The general media sponsor is the magazine “Edinstvennaia”. The international partner is the Swiss RRF.
The contest covers three nominations: eco design, eco innovation, eco creation. We invite the pupils of 1-11 grades and their teachers to take part in the contest. The dead line for submission is 10 April. The coordinator of the project is I.O. Korkishko.
For the details visit