Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


The Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a holiday filled with deep inner meaning, our country is at war with the Russian Federation, which for almost a year has been trying to break our country, which is protected by the Armed Forces, thanks to which we remain free in our choice to build a better future. This holiday has always been celebrated with pride and honour, but in 2022, during a full-scale war, its importance has grown even more. The Armed Forces are the sword and shield of Ukraine, our support and protection. The best sons and daughters of Ukraine are fighting in the Armed Forces for the independence and freedom of their Motherland. Our school also celebrated the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. During the day, a thematic video was broadcast on the information monitor in the hall of the first floor, during the history lessons, teachers conducted interviews with students in the 5th grades, and quizzes were held “Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – heroes of our time.” The students also watched the educational film “The History of the Formation of the Armed Forces” and shared their impressions.
The whole school community salutes the valiant and brave men and women who protect their native Ukraine from the occupier with a powerful wall! Words cannot express our immense gratitude. Ukraine is proud of its army.
Glory to the Armed Forces!
Glory to heroes!