Peace Day

The whole school family today marked the International Day of Peace. Pupils joined the campaign “Dove of Peace”. Seniors, while flash mob created a living symbol of peace shape and novice pigeon, painted and wrote the wishes to people to live in peace and harmony. Students of 9A class made a symbol of peace and welcomed the entire school community of the International Day of Peace.
Reference: International Day of Peace was established by General Assembly resolution of November, 30, 1982, and first celebrated in the 3rd Tuesday of September, and since 2002 year the International Day of Peace celebrated annually on 21 September. Assembly declared that the Day of Peace will be celebrated as a day of global ceasefire and rejection of violence, inviting all States and peoples to observe the cessation of hostilities during the day. The General Assembly called upon all Member States of the United Nations system, regional and non-governmental organizations and individuals to celebrate the Day appropriately, including through education and public awareness.