
Today the whole world celebrates the International AIDS Day. The school family always participates in events dedicated to this important global problem. AIDS, or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, is the collective name for lesions that occur in the III-IV clinical stages of infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The generally accepted name of the disease today is HIV infection. HIV affects the human immune system, reducing the body’s resistance to various HIV-related diseases.

From the very morning in the lobby of the school, everyone could watch thematic videos. During the information sessions, schoolchildren learned about a number of preventive measures that will help save their lives and health from a dangerous disease. Pupils of the first and fifth grades took part in the “Ribbon against AIDS” campaign. By clinging to the red ribbon, caring students and teachers symbolically supported people suffering from AIDS. Training exercises “Ways of infection and transmission of AIDS” were conducted by the teacher of the basics of health, O.I. Sokur with students of grades 7-11. School psychologist Lytovchenko T.S. conducted a practical prevention class “Let’s say no to AIDS!”