Business School invites


Since October 2016 for students of 7 and 9 classes at our school started working Business School. Business School of Privatbank – is eight exciting activities for children, in which bank employees told how:

properly set goals and plan budget;

accumulate and invest;

build communication on the Internet;

build its first start-up;

All of banking technologies.

Training is conducted by employees and top managers of the bank. For students of our school holds classes Vovchenko Andrew G., head Yuniorbank in Cherkasy region. Each graduate will receive a certificate of completion of Business School. The school completely free! YuniorBank and skip business school is junior card (, manufactured with the consent and under the supervision of parents. This is a real payment card, with which the student can use ‘adults’ banking services.

YuniorBank not only teaches children financial literacy, but also supports healthy lifestyles for students, conducts promotions and contests, allow children to communicate with their peers from around the world.

To host educational program “YuniorBank” started in 2009 in Ukraine. In 2012 YuniorBank been recognized as one of the most useful educational programs Ukraine at the international exhibition “Education and Career”, which is annually conducted by Ministry of Education and National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. First gold medal for the development of teaching methods in schools received bank program, which has become today one of the most popular educational initiatives in Ukraine.

We wish our students success, hoping that in business school one learns to be a leader, become independent, sociable, learns how the bank operates and how to build your first start-up!

Since December new groups are set!