Competitions in table tennis

The school held competitions in table tennis among girls and boys of 8-11 grade.
Table tennis is one of the favorite games of pupils of our school. In such event a large number of applicants are always involved.
So this year’s competitions were held actively and persistently. Women’s winners were:
I place – Rumiantseva Maryna, 8-A class
II place – Daria Uvarova, 8-A class
III place – Anna Korenchuk, 8-A class
Among boys won:
I place – Cherchenko Mark, 10-A class
II place – Olexander Karpovych, 10-A class
III place – Pysmennyi Ivan, 10-A class
Physical Education Teacher Verbytskyi S.V. prepares the winners to the city competition to be held at the end of the month. Hard training and victories!