Save energy
At the festival “first victory” that took place in the hall of Cherkasy Center of Children and Youth, the winners were awarded at inter municipal energy efficiency project.
The students of our school participated in the competition of the city. Thus, students of 10A class Anna Riznyk and Olexander Karpovych in the category “Practical work” were presented at the discretion of the Jury project “Energy audition” School of Energy “(supervisor Dovhal L.V.) and their classmates – Vladyslav Tereshchenko and Andriy Fomichov in the nomination “Theoretical work” presented project “Replacement lamps – changing the world” (supervisor Sokyrka V.M.). As a result, competition project “Energy audition “School of Energy” has been declared the winner in the” practical work “in the age group 10-11. Student team was awarded a diploma of the first degree, and supervisor of the project, teacher of biology and ecology Dovhal L.V. received thanks from the Department of Education for good company practice of students in the field of energy effectiveness.
Students staff, school parliament welcome energy team with the victory and wish further success in spreading the ideas of energy efficiency in everyday life.