Important Decoration

Our school has received the important decoration – Diploma of Honor. From now we have the status “The school promoting stable development” approved by the signature of Topusov O.M, the director of the Institute of Pedagogic of the National Academy of Pedagogic Sciences. This award was presented by the results of the final stage of All-Ukrainian contest “The school of a stable development of 2013-2014”.
At the end of the last year the participants in the contest were 103 schools of 13 regions of Ukraine including ours. On the first stage of the contest the schools filled the questionnaire to confirm the availability of the definite achievements in different branches of the education for the stable development. The questions concerned not only the systematic teaching courses “The lessons for the stable development”, measures to decrease the quantity of garbage or the rational power and water consumption but the work in the community, ways of dispute solution, changes in the managing activity. For the second stage of the contest the participants prepared portfolio – the description of the activity and own experience. While considering the works the jury showed preference for the schools which presented the most definite results of their work, practical activity. The main goal of the project is to reduce ecological trace. The experience presented by our school for the contest nicely shows all-school approach to the implementation of the principles of the stable development into practice of the educational institution.