From Project to Practice

According to the results of the regional exhibition of the pedagogic technologies “The education of Cherkassy region – 2014” our school was awarded with the diploma. This award is the result of the laborius task of all the teachers to implement All-Ukrainian scientific and practical psyhologic and pedagogic project :”The choise of successful profession” The Diploma confirms the high level of work and acknowledges positive experience of the school which can be used by the educational institutions of Ukraine and teach courses on choise “To know myself” and “Creation of the career”
In 2008 our school among 15 schools of Ukraine was considered to be a participant of All-Ukrainian project of the professional direction “The choise of successful profession” and had the possibility to implement various courses and options in professional orientation for 1- 11 forms.Barsukova L.M, deputy principal, managed this project during all these years. Tkachenko T.Ye., school principal, presented our school on all-ukrainian level for many times informing governing body of the poject, researchers of the Academy of Pedagogic Scinces of Ukraine and the Institute of innovations of education content of Ukraine about our successes and achievements.
During 5 years the pupils acquainted themselves with the modern world of professions, investigated their professional bents and made own professional plans for the future. Many teachers of our school helped the pupils of 1-4 forms to learn developing courses on choise “To know myself” and “Partnership”; practical psyhologist investigeted professional readiness of the senior pupils and learned with the pupils of 5 form the basis of “Businesslike contact”, with the pupils of 9 form – “A person and a work”; in 10 form the pupils acquainted with the ABC of career creation; pupils of 11 form together with Economics teacher learned “The basis of intelectual property”.
During off-classes the pupils of 1-4 forms prepared the exhibition of drawings “Professions seen by children” During summer practice the pupils of 5-10 forms took part in such educational and social projects as “Professions of the native town”, “Professions of my parents”, “My favourite profession”. In summer pupils of 10 from were working according to the chosen professions and got the real experience of work which was implemented in the project “The strategy of professional development”. The team of school pupils under the leadership of Korkishko I.O., took the first place in the the club of cheerful and quick-witted in professional orientation “Choose your profession” and became the prize winner on the regional stage.
During the project implementation 433 pupils of 10-11 forms and 405 pupils of 9 form took part in professional investigations.
As the positive result of the common work of the school teachers, pupils and their parents is the only study of the professional orientation in the city with the exhibited materials of the project ”The choise of successful profession” and various information about the professions of city and regional Employment centre which are our permanent partners.
It is important that the completetion of the project ”The choise of successful profession” does not mean the completion of work in professional orientation of the pupils. We got knew knowledge, new experience which will be implemented by other school pupils to help them to choose successful profession in future and create own career path!